The Clown Inside of Nauman

The exhibit by Bruce Nauman is quite an interesting piece of work. On the surface, it does seem like a mad mess of a persons thoughts. It seems to be pointless and a randomly thrown together work that got clout and attention for no reason. Or no reason other than its madness. Though it does seem pointless and chaotic, there is something intrinsically intriguing about the exhibition.

One really outrageous exhibit was the clown torture exhibit. This exhibit is made up of videos of clowns on different screens doing different things. On one screen, a clown appears to be sitting in a bathroom stall doing his business. The bathroom seems dirty enough to be considered torture, but if Nauman really wanted to make that torturous, he would have removed the toilet paper from the bathroom and had the clown discover that he’d done his business and had no more toilet paper to clean himself with. But on second thought, why would that clown even care about being clean; he looks like a psycho. On another screen, there is a clown break dancing in the middle of a white screen. It sort of looks like the hyperbolic time chamber. Oh and he also is shouting “no! no!” In another screen there is a clown talking into the screen and in another, a clown holding and examining some broom.

The clown torture exhibit is just one of the many pieces done by Nauman. His works also include the heads with water sprinkling out of them and the neon light arts like the writings. His works seem to be a good representation modern art. As opposed to traditional art, modern art doesn’t always have a clear intended goal. Often it is up to the viewer to make what he or she wishes of the piece. While Nauman’s works don’t seem to encapsulate any particular, congruent theme, besides perhaps human absurdity, there does seem to be some sort of intent and meaning behind his works, more so than random ideas thrown together.

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