There is always an opposition on this issue. For this issue, fracking, I believe the opposition is illogical and irrational. Fracking, according to the NY Times article, poses many health risks to the environment and people living in that area. People are blaming Cuomo and giving him a negative attitude for banning fracking. However, I believe Cuomo is protecting New York State from harsh chemicals caused by the fracking process.

As said in the article, fracking supporters blame Cuomo for giving into the environmentalists’ warnings. My question to these fracking supporters is, “how do you know that fracking is not harming the earth or your own health? We have hard proof from environmentalists about these side effects.”

I also believe fracking is a minor issue compared to gun control, murder cases, terrorism, etc. It should be addressed, but I do not think it should be the reason why people are attacking Cuomo.

After reading the BBC News article, I was stunned to see how people could support something that might be of risk of carginogen release and ground tremors. The description itself is scary enough to prevent it from happening. Although there is hard proof and a risk that fracking might harm the environment and peoples’ health, it is still taking place in places like the UK.

I think the real issue is to see if we can find a RENEWABLE but HEALTHY resource that will always be CONSISTENT. That is the issue and I believed that should be addressed more so we can stop releasing possible carcinogens to the environment and to the people living around the area. Once this source is found, we can then use it and harness it as an energy source.

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