Archive for the 'environmental inequality' Category

Reading about the effect Hurricane Sandy had on New York City hit home for me. As some of my close friends had their homes destroyed from the storm, while I saw that many others were unscathed, I felt like it was unfair. While I saw the physical destruction of the storm, there were also underlying […]

I found myself pretty angry at these articles. They both took the idea of fracking creating wealth too far. They talk about it as if there is absolutely no downside. After seeing the movie in class, I cannot ever support fracking. And on top of that, one of the articles conceded that it contributes to […]

We’ve talked about hydraulic fracturing plenty of times and have seen the negative effects outweighing the positive ones. Sure, hydraulic fracturing is a better alternative to other options such as oil drilling and coal mining. However, it is still not the optimal solution, not even close. Hydraulic fracturing utilizes over 600 carcinogenic chemicals and toxins […]

In our past classes, we have mostly discussed income inequality relative to variables including race, age, immigration status, and even by New York City neighborhoods. We have not however, discussed income inequality in association to nationwide geographic locations nor have we seen how living in different United States state and cities could differ in social mobility. […]

Blog Post 13

April 16, 2015 | Leave a Comment

There are many issues to take care of, but there is only so much one can do. Environmental issues are far from many people’s minds as they go about their days. Yet we take advantage of the environment and are digging ourselves in a deeper and deeper hole. The transition to renewable energy seems obvious […]

Fracking is a very controversial topic with many pros and cons.  On one side, it’s said to create new job opportunities and on the other, it creates a hazard to the environment. Are these jobs really beneficial to these communities or are we just making excuses to earn short-term profit? Surrounding neighborhoods are most affected […]

Fracking affects everyone and should be a concern to everyone whether you are a child, parent, poor or rich. Those who live in the area where the fracking is being done can feel the largest impact of the process. Despite the poor reputation of fracking, an analysis of it reveals that it can bring benefits […]

Does fracking have benefits? Yes, it’s a better alternative than drilling for oil. There’s no doubt about that. But it’s only a temporary solution. There are still CO2 emissions and other negative externalities given off. Run-off water damages the environment, animals, and even humans. The video we saw in class showed us firsthand the effects […]

Just like how everything in the world has pros and cons, fracking may reduce unemployment rates in areas that have little economic development, but it entails quite a few environmental and health-related setbacks. It has been proposed that fracking companies spark engaging local economies because it offers jobs to the locals. However, could these jobs […]

Hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” has recently provided an economic stimulus to many states and local provinces due to the oil and gas-rich rock formations in certain areas. The Mother Jones article “Income Inequality and the Fracking Boom” presents an interesting argument that fracking may actually help alieve income inequality in these regions due to the […]

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