Archive for the 'income gap' Category

Manhattan NY is one of the richest places in the country but it is also one of the most severe when it comes to income inequality. Nicole Gelina’s article “What the Rich Give to New York” highlights this disparity and does not sugarcoat it when she says “New York’s top 1 percent took in a […]

The readings on income inequality for this class were rather interesting because they specifically discussed the issue and its relation to New York City, not just on a national and global scale. For me, while there is no denying that vast income inequality is ever present in our society, the way in which the CNN […]

Manhattan, NY is known to hold the wealthiest in the nation, but it also holds some in the lower class as well in certain areas. Nicole Gelinas’ “What the Rich Give to New York” provides a positive outlook on the income inequality issue focusing on New York City. For the rich to be locating themselves […]

The three articles together bring a depiction of the city similar to that of co-location for public and charter schools. By this I mean that the same problem of having the better funded and highly refurbished charter schools literally with in a drawn line’s distance from a public school full of broken books and underfunded […]

We’ve talked about income inequality and the income gap in our previous topics, but these articles specifically talk about it in NYC. CCN’s article really put perspective in how “the rich are getting richer.” I knew that NYC would have a large income gap, but it was shocking to see barely any income growth among […]

Blog Post #4

February 23, 2015 | Leave a Comment

I really liked the interactive subway map, and spent quite some time on all the lines to compare the incomes. I generally expected the results – higher incomes in the more affluent areas of NY, such as the UES/UWS, Wall Street, etc; and lower median incomes in the Bronx and Brooklyn. There were a few […]

Income inequality is a topic that has been touched upon time and time again. Ever since the mid 70s the income gap has only been growing wider and wider, and it has not halted for anything, not even for the recession in 2008. I see “the rich are getting much richer” repeated again and again in multiple […]

Income inequality has been a very contentious and pervasive topic in both the national and federal political landscape in recent years. There have been various arguments made on where exactly this income inequality stems from and even more debate on what measures need to be taken in order to mitigate and decrease this kind of […]

Reading these articles, especially Nicole Gelinas’ “What the Rich Give to New York,” definitely made me doubt what I had prepared for the presentation Thursday. I’ve always been familiar with the concept of income inequality and the stark inequality that is prevalent in New York City. Just taking the subway everyday for the past six […]

From just reading the titles of the articles we were to read for this class, I could deduct my own statements regarding income inequality in New York City. Including all of the five boroughs, Manhattan would house the richest New Yorkers and the poorest would hail from the Bronx or Brooklyn. It came of no […]

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