Archive for the 'income inequality' Category

I found it interesting that we are focusing on Piketty this class. But are we really? Or are we trying to extract Piketty’s ideas and apply it to our existing knowledge of income inequality from the first class? Although Piketty proposes extreme and controversial measures to monitor income inequality, I agree with some of his ideas. […]

In response to Mr. Piketty’s theories I am inclined to just respond by saying, as I have done in a previous blog post, that income inequality is an unintended consequence of capitalism. From a research perspective I completely understand the logic that guides his theories. How can we live in a society where a fraction […]

Capitalism, the idea of privately owned businesses operating for a profit, is at the very foundation of what America is. For years, America was the place to come for that shot to become what you couldn’t elsewhere. America represented the frontier of nearly unlimited economics opportunities. It is as a result of these beliefs that […]

During this past Spring, Seminar 2, we spent a significant amount of the course discussing charter schools, so much of this information isn’t new to me. That being said, all though the stances of these articles were familiar, the questions raised by them and the points established were refreshing and sparked my interest. I feel […]

Income inequality has been a hot topic for quite sometime but has often just been seen as a side effect of capitalism. When business owners take the leap to start their own company their motivation is almost always an increased income over their employees. However as America’s wealth continues to grow it appears that our […]

The gap between the rich and poor seems to be a continuous and ongoing void that is never filled. Even with legislation, rallying, and promises made by countless public candidates and officials alike, it seems like this void will never cease. Solutions you ask? I offer a few potential ones that I feel are very […]

The struggle of inequality has always resided in our society. It is very interrelated with social class, economics, politics, power, race, and other factors. With the increasing gap between the rich and the poor, income inequality has immobilized a part of the American Dream: moving up the social ladder and obtaining wealth. OECD gives a […]

Jessica: Class 1

January 29, 2015 | Leave a Comment

There has been much debate about income inequality and how to combat it. But in my opinion, in a capitalistic society there’s undoubtedly going to be inequalities present. Whether it be through income, property, or overall wealth, inequalities separate this society from being a socialistic society. Americans seem to hate the word “socialist”, yet understand […]

“Rich fathers have rich sons and poor fathers have poor sons.” -Richard Wilkinson My first reaction to this statement: “My chances of financial security in the future laid in the hands of some mysterious, omnipotent being somewhere in the sky and his/her mood when he/she decided that I would be born into rich family A, normal […]

Income inequality has been an ongoing issue for decades. One of the solutions that I’ve always thought of was making education more available to the poor, which President Obama is attempting to do by providing free education in Community Colleges. By providing those who want to achieve a higher education without the burden of the […]

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