Archive for the 'living wage' Category

Class 15: Living Wage – Myths and Realities Having read through the readings, I can’t help but find the work of Forbes’ John Goodman on the myths of income inequality to be the most interesting. Though by interesting, I do not mean that the reading is an enlightening piece of work, but rather it’s quite […]

The minimum wage debate continues for this class as the article examine the living wage and tipped income Americans. One article attempted to shed some light on common myths about income inequality. Overall, we see both sides of the debate have merit which is why this topic so heated. After last class, I was leaning […]

After reading the three articles, I am starting to second guess my opinions on raising wage. Goodman voices Sherk and Romer’s beliefs that raising wages will not help the poor as there is only a small proportion of the poor working in minimum wage jobs. However, after reading the restaurant server perspective in Kasperkevic’s article, I […]

The minimum wage has been a fiercely debated issue, having numerous fallacies associated with it primarily due to political agendas that have wrongly skewed facts and misinformed the public. I really enjoyed reading the Forbes article “The Five Biggest Myths About Income Inequality” as it really dissected certain often-quoted statistics and provided a more accurate picture of income and […]

Income defines our limits on what we’re able to purchase, whether it be necessities or power. But with the current income inequality, many families aren’t able to to meet living wage requirements. What exactly can be done to help American families who are under the living wage, meet the current wage, or even rise above […]

Minimum wage is an abysmal number when compared to living wage. If a living wage covers “the cost of local childcare, medical insurance, and other essentials,” what does minimum wage cover? Just food and shelter? That is no way to truly live. And it is especially not fair when this problem will have lasting effects […]

The issue of increasing the minimum wage has been at the forefront of economic issues both nationally and on the state level. From the political hoopla and noise that this dilemma always creates, it seems as if the debate is worthwhile and an increase would help numerous Americans across the United States. I personally have […]

There has always been an ongoing battle to raise the minimum wage and the living wage. As stated in the New York Times Article, raising the minimum wage “tends to be more popular with the general public.” Majority of people feel that raising the minimum or living wage will help the working poor and decrease […]

One of the most spoken about and controversial solutions to the income gap is raising minimum wage in New York City. Having first heard of raising minimum wage years ago, it seemed like a positive step initially; however, now, I am quite skeptical. Being that New York City is an expensive city so live in, […]

Despite strong advocates and equally as strong opposition, it seems both the federal and state government alike have decided income inequality in this nation needs to be addressed in the form of an increase in the minimum wage. Mayor de Blasio recently passed a bill targeting some 18,000 New York City workers who work on […]

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