Posting Guidelines

This is an example of a post. Posts feed to the “Blog” area of the site. Posts can be Categorized in order to find them more easily. Always CATEGORIZE your post according to the week/topic. You can also add tags AKA descriptive/helpful keywords to describe the content of your post.

To create a new post:

  1. Sign in to E-portfolios and go to this site
  2. Click the “+New” button in black menu bar at top if page
  3. Use post editor to write post ( Come up with a  creative, descriptive title)
  4. CATEGORIZE YOUR POST using “Categories” box on right of post editor
  5.  Create 2-3 tags or keywords for your post
  6. Hit Publish
  7. You’re done! GO READ YOUR PEER’S POSTS

Email with questions.

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