

View Our Project Proposal

This is a page where we post updates to our Citizen Science Project that we are contributing to for our Macaulay Seminar III class, Science and Technology In the City.

Our group name, Golden Niche, is based on how we view invertebrates. A species’ niche is its unique place in its environment. As you might have gleaned from this blog, invertebrates are very abundant on our planet and therefore play an important part in the ecosystem. That is why we believe invertebrates are golden. Hence, the Golden Niche.

Group Members

We are the Golden Niche! We are four college students from CUNY Brooklyn College out to find the hidden invertebrates of NYC. Here are our Team MembersPatrick Lempert, Artur Brodskiy, Syed Raza, Saul Betesh. Scroll down to read more about each of us.



My name is Sauly Betesh and although I am a pre-med student, I have not yet decided on a major. As a pre-med student, I hope to do much more than simply become a doctor. For me, becoming a doctor is a means to an end. A medical degree will enable me to help many people in ways that few professionals can. It is my hope that I never lose sight of that throughout my career. Additionally, I hope to be able to contribute to the medical profession beyond helping patients. As someone who is interested in philosophy, the field of medical ethics is one that I hope to be a part of throughout my career. I want to remain faithful to the idea of always doing the right thing and helping people, and I think that being involved in ethics will help me do so. My goal, then, is essentially to never get caught up- that the desire and drive that brought me to this point today stays with me throughout my career.



Hi, I’m Arty (Artur Brodskiy). I’m currently undecided on my major, and am taking classes in a variety of fields in order to figure out where my greatest interest lies. In my freshman year, I took pre-med classes, with an interest in research. Right now, I’m trying out film, acting, and psychology classes. Whatever captures my interest most is what I’ll pursue. At the moment, I’m leaning towards acting, film, or stand-up comedy as a future career.



My name is Syed Raza. I am currently planning to major in Chemistry along with following a pre-dental track. I hope to graduate Dental school and then to specialize in Orthodontics (Braces).



NamePatrick Lempert
MajorComputer Science
Future GoalsMedicine


iNaturalist Homepage

INaturalist New York is Wild! Project Page

Special Thanks

Our Professor: Jennifer Adams

Our ITF (Instructional Technology Fellow): Jennifer Corby

The inaturalist project.