Act Up

The Act Up movement was known to target “Sacred space” in order to deliver their message to the society. They targeted the Catholic Church, White House, and Citi Hall and these were places that no one else have ever tried to target before. These places are considered “sacred” because these were important political and religious institutions. Thus, the Act Up movement use these sacred places to send out the message regarding the fact that these institutions are responsible for the deaths of so many lives and these are the institutions that need to start taking action. Furthermore, these sacred spaces are places that have the most power over the society and in order to start making changes, the Act Up group believe that they have to start from these most powerful institutions first.

The Act Up movement actions was often very powerful because in many cases, the Act up members will do controversial activities in order to be arrested. However, this lawlessness got more attention from the people of the community and also get more social media coverages. Due to the amount of social media coverage they were able to get and how powerful they were as a group they were able to eventually affect the society on a political, social and institutional level. In addition, the Act Up movement is extremely powerful because they take action in forcing institutions to take actions. For instance, the members marched and protest the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies at Wall Street pharmacies. Furthermore, the Act Up movement was extremely powerful because they act from the inside of these institutions. They try to get people inside these powerful institutions to help with the movement.

Overall, due to how successful and powerful the Act Up movement was, activism around other issues today can learn from how to be as effective as the Act up Movement. For instance, the Act Up movement was very immense and also effective due to the fact that it was antiracist and also included everyone that wants to participate in the movement. It didn’t favor a particular group of another which is very important in terms of uniting people for a movement. The more people the more powerful a movement is thus from the Act Up movement it can be seen that by not discriminating against any group of people, it really helps with increasing the power of the movement. Furthermore, from the Act up movement, it can be seen that in order to see results for a particular issue, activists must take action on the institution level or else not much will change.

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