Dr. Edyta Greer, Macaulay Honors College, Fall 2017

Author: egreer (Page 2 of 3)


Dear Students,

The due date for submitting your 3D printing design to MakerHub is Nov. 9th. Please submit ASAP to allow for correction of potential issues with the design.

If you e-mail MakerHub quickly you may be able to schedule a time in person for help, but it is already late for them to help you with fundamentals.

Thank you, Dr. Greer


reminder: 2nd MakerHub Popup today

Dear Students,

Today MakerHub team is hosting the 2nd and FINAL MakerHub popup event. It starts at 12:20 PM in NVC 2-140. Please visit the MakerHub team for help with your design and ask them to print the current “version” of it to see how it looks before they get busy with printing projects for other classes.

Thank you and see you tomorrow, Dr. Greer

Just for you: MakerHub has popup tomorrow

Dear Students,
I want to remind you that MakerHub has the first of two popups tomorrow. Please attend in order to get more help with your designs.
Event is tomorrow at 12:30-2:30 in The Field Center for Entrepreneurship at NVC 2-140. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you, Dr. Greer

class tomorrow

Dear Students,

The first 30 minutes of the class tomorrow will be designated to the poster tutorial. The rest of the class will be devoted to PMMOPs. The presentations will be continued next week and on 11/6. Please, be prepared to present tomorrow.

Please, remember that your presentation needs to show: (a) a picture of organism, (b) the origin of the organism, (c) show which part(s) of the organism is most active, (d) identify the molecule causing biological activity, (e) medical value, (f) mechanism of action, (g) side effects, and (h) drugs/therapies that derive from the organism and are commercially available.

You will be graded based on how well you addressed topics (a) – (h) mentioned above.

Thank you and see you tomorrow. Regards, Dr. Greer

PMMOP – step 1

Dear Students,

For Wednesday 10/18:

Create a blog post using the category “PMMOP” with a picture of the organism embedded, with its title as the Latin name of your species, and a short paragraph that indicates its common name, its place of origin, and the molecule that has the specific biological/medicinal effect. Write this paragraph in prose.

Please, see this page for more information.

Thank you, Dr. Greer

3D printing workshop w/ MakerHub

Dear Students,

I wish to remind you that for the next three classes we are scheduled to participate in a 3D printing workshop organized by MakerHub.

The workshop will take place in room 6-145 in VC. Please see below for details:

Monday October 2nd, 2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m., Location: 6-145 VC.

Wednesday October 4th, 2:30 p.m.- 3:45 p.m., Location: 6-145 VC.

Wednesday October 11th, 2:30 p.m. -3:45 p.m., Location: 6-145 VC.


Please do not miss these three important classes, come on time, and bring your computer.


Thank you and see you all on Monday! Dr. Greer

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