Dr. Edyta Greer, Baruch College

Category: Announcements (Page 4 of 4)

sample hot topic post

Hi everyone,

I’ve had a few questions already about the “Hot Topic” assignment for Friday, so just to reiterate:

All you need to do for Friday is to create a post with the category “Hot Topic” that lists your two articles as bibliographic references and includes links. The links should be embedded into the references, in other words, don’t just copy and paste the URL into your post. Also, if there is an option to use a permalink, take advantage of that rather than copying the long URL in your browser address bar. The permalink is often listed under the “share” options.

Below I’ve created a sample Hot Topic post that shows you what yours should look like. Be careful note to just use the auto-generated “cite” feature on journals. Remember that our citation system for Chicago (author-date) always puts the year directly after the author. Additionally, if the text of the article is not available online or is behind a paywall, you should download the PDF of the article and use the “Add Media” feature, which I have done for the primary source article in the example below (it’s much better to copy the URL for the PDF after you upload it to the media library, rather than using the “Insert Into Post” feature).

As always, please email me and Dr. Greer with any questions.


Ibogaine to Treat Addiction [this would be the title of my post]

Popular article:

Hannaford, Alex. 2017. “Dying to Get Clean: Is Ibogaine the Answer to Heroin Addiction?” The Guardian, December 10. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/dec/10/ibogaine-heroin-addiction-treatment-gabon-withdrawal-danger-death.

Primary source:

Koenig, Xaver, and Karlheinz Hilber. 2015. “The Anti-Addiction Drug Ibogaine and the Heart: A Delicate Relation.” Molecules 20: 2208-2228. DOI: 10.3390/molecules20022208.


class tomorrow – bring your laptops

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow we will be doing an in-class workshop on research, sources, and citations, and this will involve some in-class research activities. Please make sure you bring your laptops, and be sure they are charged enough to last through class without plugging in. Thanks, see you tomorrow!


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