Before next Wednesday (the 12th), please complete the paraphrase exercise that is at the end of the tutorial, reprinted below. This brief assignment asks you to imagine that you are writing a paragraph that advocates why school nurses should be trained to use EpiPens. Don’t worry about what you’re saying or whether the information is accurate, the most important thing is to try to do a good paraphrase of any part of the original article (I provided you with a paragraph to use in the PowerPoint, but if you want to read the entire article or use a different part, it’s here).

  • In dashboard: Go to “Users”>“Your Profile”
    • Scroll down to “Display name publicly as” and select your full name from the dropdown menu [First Last]
  • Click on “Posts”>“Add New”
    • Give your post a title
    • Select the category “Paraphrase exercise”
    • Type your post, using the in-text citation we’ve just covered
    • Make sure you’ve selected the category “Paraphrase exercise!!”
  • Publish!
    • To view others’ posts, select the “Paraphrase exercise” from the “Posts” dropdown menu on the site