Author Archives: Michael Ferrigno

Reading Questions 4/24- Liberal Arts Education

1. Why did Europe shift from a liberal arts education, and why is it now returning to the liberal arts education system? Does this diversify European universities, or make them more basic?

2. How could a liberal arts education fail at promoting critical thinking skills and reasoning abilities that corporations deem necessary for successful employment?

3. Are corporations asking too much from students, and not compensating enough based upon the greater amount of skills being demanded? How has starting salary increased based upon the graduates who attain these skills?

4. Do you think a major is linked to ability to compete in the job market, or is major truly unrelated to what employers are looking for?

5. Are standardized tests able to project the critical thinking and reasoning abilities of students applying to college? If not, isn’t the admissions system flawed at producing students that will be able to develop these skills that are deemed necessary in today’s economy?

Reading Questions 4/17

1. Do MOOCs have the possible effect of allowing access to higher education to anyone who seeks it?

2. Can MOOCs be used to decrease the gaps between students that occur in K-12 schools, and help to prepare and level the playing field for underprivileged students?

3. Is ethnic diversity necessary for a college? What benefits does ethnic diversity hold over merit based admissions and socioeconomic diversity?

4. At what point does affirmative action limit access to those who deserve it more based on merit, abilities, and rates of completion? Is affirmative action working, or is it making it harder for more qualified individuals to go to school based on race, by letting in less qualified individuals?

5. If there is a gap between ethnicities applying to college, isn’t affirmative action a K-12 problem, where those schools need to be more diverse, allowing students from all backgrounds to get the same education and graduate on the same level? Would increasing diversity in K-12 schools solve this problem better than at the college level?

Interview Questions

1. What challenges are presented by online classes and degrees, and to what extent can these online courses be credited and offer degrees?

2. In your opinion is the role of higher education to prepare people for better jobs where they can earn more money, or is its role greater than that?

3. Is higher education for everyone? Can some people just not be fit or able to gain from the current set up of higher education?

4. Is it more important to attain a degree in college, or is the experience and connections gained in college more valuable?

5. What do you think about students who claim to “teach themselves”? Does this discredit the hard work of professors, or show the inherent problems of lecture style classes?

Economics Group Questions:

1. How can rising student debt affect the landscape of higher education as we currently know it? Will students still choose to go to expensive private schools, or will public colleges become of greater demand? Has this possibly already happened? How does tuition discounting level the playing field for private and public colleges?

2. What are the largest expenses in running a college, besides professor salaries? If MOOCs and other online course systems gain proper accreditation, do they present a problem for brick and mortar schools by being able to out-compete them?

3. Where does most of the funding for your school come from, if you could break it down to approximate percentages?

4. Based on your experiences in Higher Education, what do you think the true cost of college is for students? Are some schools overcharging students?

5. Do you believe that Higher Education has become a bubble? Why or why not? What will happen if this bubble bursts?

Reading Questions for 4/10

1. Why was the credit hour created as the new standard leading up to Higher Education (K-12) as well as throughout Higher Education?

2. Where did the credit hour originate? What was it originally called and why?

3. What reasons does Amy Lynch give for American students and universities lagging in graduating high quality professional students?

4. What challenges does increased technologies in the classroom present to academic integrity?

5. What are some challenges that Stokes presents for online learning? What did he suggest the best results might come from?

6. What does Freidman’s article about MOOCs indicate about the possible future of higher education?