Readings for Wednesday, April 10, Group 4 in charge of the discussion and questions

The topic of this session is the use and role of technology in the future of higher education. There are a few longer articles which are posted individually and a lot of shorter (1-3 page) articles from recent media sources. To make this easier, I have created bundles of these so they can be opened as a group.

Standalone files:

Economist Intelligence Unit (2008) The Future of Higher Education: How technology will shape learning. economist

Shedd, J. M. (2003) The History of the Student Credit Hour ch 1 in New Directions for Higher Education #122. History of the credit hour (this one has all the pages)

Stokes, P. (2011) What online learning can teach us about higher education. Ch 7 In B. Wildavsky, A.P. Kelly and K. Carey, eds. Reinventing Higher Education: The Promise of Innovation. stokes

Times Bundle: ny times articles
Friedman, T. (2013) The Professor’s Big Stage, New York Times, 3/5/2013.

New York Times (2012) The trouble with online college. 2/18/13.

Eisenberg, A. (2013) Keeping an eye on on-line test takers. New York Times, 3/12/13.

Lewin, T. (2013) California bill seeks campus credit for on-line study. New York Times, 3/12/13.

Chronicle Bundle: chronicle bundle
Essig, L. (2013) It’s MOOAs, not MOOCs, that will transform higher education. The Chronicle of Higher Education. 3/28/2013.

Field, K. (2013) Student aid can be awarded for “competencies”, not just credit hours, U.S. Says. The Chronicle of Higher Education. 3/19/13.

Jenkins, R. (2013) A massively bad idea. The Chronicle of Higher Education. 3/18/2013.

Jenkins, R. (2013) Catfished. In The Chronicle of Higher Education, 4/2/2013.

Kirschner, A. (2012) A pioneer in on-line education tries a MOOC, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 10/1/12.

Kirschner, A. (2012) Innovation in higher education? Hah, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 4/13/2012.

Kolowich, S. (2013) SUNY signals major push toward MOOCs and other new educational methods. The Chronicle of Higher Education. 3/20/2013.

Kolowich, S. (2013) The professors behind the MOOC hype, The Chronicle of Higher Education,3/18/2013.

Chronicle of Higher Education (2013) All you need to know about MOOCs

Miscellaneous Bundle: misc
Crawley, A. Growth of on-line learning excerpted from ch. 1 in Supporting On-line Students in Tomorrow’s Professor Newsletter,

Cuban, L. (2013) “Irrational exuberance”: the case of MOOCs,

Robbins, J. (2013) The ethics of MOOCs Inside Higher Ed, 3/25/2013.

Snyder, M.D. (2012) The State of the Profession, excerpt from Academe, Nov/Dec. issue.


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About profhainline

Professor of Psychology at Brooklyn College;former Dean for Research and Graduate Studies; neurobehavioral/developmental psychologist by training; Principal Investigator of grants for both research and institutional programs to increase STEM diversity and improve STEM teaching; UG degree from Brown University; MA and PhD degrees from Harvard University