What is Art (in New York City)?
Spend a half-hour or more walking around the neighborhood that surrounds the Baruch campus. What do you see on your walk that you would categorize as art? Take three pictures: one of something that you would definitely consider art; a second of something that you are not sure about (you don’t necessarily think of it as art but could be persuaded otherwise); and third of something that you would definitely consider art.
Post these pictures to the blog site with a short essay (500-750 words) explaining your choices. What makes the first thing you photographed? What makes the last think you photographed not art? Why is the second one so hard to pin down? What, then, in the end qualifies as art for you? At the end of this assignment you should be able to articulate a working definition of “art.”
After the deadline has closed, read the blogs of your classmates and respond to at least 3 of their posts especially as it regards the second photograph (of the piece that might or might not be art).
Deadline for blog: Sunday, September 3rd at 5:00 pm
Deadline for comments: Monday, September 4th at 11 pm.