New website project!

Dear All,

Great work on the sites you created for your assignment, hope you learned a lot in the process.

Before the end of the semester, you will set up three additional websites. As a whole, all four (including the one you created your curatorial project) will be used as the public-facing element of your coursework and will be showcased at the STEAM festival, which will be held December 2nd and 3rd at Macaulay Central.

Since you’ve become acquainted with E-portfolios/Wordpress, there is first one simple website (using E-portfolios!) will need to set up in the next few days. This site will be your main site, and where you will host the the sites corresponding to the curatorial project and the photo portfolio. By mid this week, I will be posting instructions on how to build site #3 (for the Photo Portfolio). For the time being, here is the theme you may use to create your MAIN site.

Other specifics:

Follow the same instructions posted for the Narrative and Curatorial Practice Assignment.

When prompted to enter your site name, use something a bit more formal. Think of it as your personal academic site; my suggestion would be something along the lines of yourname2017 or yourname17 or yournameANYC

Create one page, which will be your‘About’ page: This page will have a short introduction to the project as a whole, where you will contextualize the three projects that will be housed in this page. More instructions on this to follow. for the time being, write a simple text or leave it blank

Next,  create three categories. First one will be “Curatorial Assignment”, the full title for the assignment (Narrative and Curatorial Practice Assignment) will appear as the title of your first and only post. This post will contain a link to that site you originally created.

Your second category is for your upcoming “Photo Portfolio” project. More instructions on that to follow later in the week

The third category will be titled “New York City Stories”, which will remain blank for now.

If you have questions, make sure to contact me.



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