BA #6 and Photo Portfolio Project

Hi Everyone,
Just a quick note to let you know that BA #6 and the Photo Portfolio Project have both been posted to the assignment section of the course e-portlfolio site. Please take a minute to read both, especially the Photo Portfolio project, which requires you to take at least 1 photograph a day for the next week.

Also, please take note of Denisse’s e-mail and instructions regarding the creation of a new site for the upcoming project and how that will fit with the work that you did for the Curatorial Project assignment (hint, you will need to create a “master” site that will house all the different components). It should not be that complicated, just a matter of going through the step to create the shell and then to integrate the existing site for the Curatorial Project and the new site for the Photo Portfolio into the shell.

I look forward to your thoughts on Raghubir Singh when we meet on Tuesday. We will be meeting in our regular classroom.

Professor Heath

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