
I think a photograph is different from a drawing because its more real and relatable. When I look at a photograph, I try to place myself in that time and place more than I would with a drawing. Whenever I see a picture of a person, I can give this person an alternative life because the photograph doesn’t give any background or descriptive info, its up to the observer to decide how to feel about the object.

I found it interesting when Barthes talks about a a picture being reproduced an infinite amount of times even though the moment it was taken was an instant. When people attempt to take a good picture, they will snap several photographs that all look very similar, but there will always be one that stands out and for some reason is most pleasing. Its interesting to think about that the smallest of details make insane differences when it comes to photography, which makes me wonder what kinds of techniques can be taught about photography if the details aren’t up to us.  That” how I defined punctum. That one little detail that makes a difference. It stands out and it makes you feel something that you wouldn’t otherwise feel. It evokes emotion and helps the viewer relate to the image.

On page 14, Barthes talks about the photographer manipulating the background in order to make the photograph look pretty. I think manipulating the background and giving the viewer a lot to look at is studium. I think studium involves the background and all the details of a photograph. It allows the viewer to have a general feeling about the picture rather than taking them in with a detail. After reading that it was cool to see the exhibit where there was no background and simply the people that were being photographed. It was easy to focus on the subject and influenced my thought process. I was no longer looking at where the subject was sitting or what they were doing, I was only looking at their face and expression. I especially liked the photograph of Albert Einstein and Ilse Sternberger. I think the studium part of this photograph makes you feel overall relaxed. Its clear that the people in the photograph aren’t totally comfortable with each other and they are both posing for the picture. The interesting part about the photograph, is that when I went to find a more clear example online, I came across what I thought to be the exact same picture, until I realized its not.  The two people in the second photograph are clearly happy and are having a good time. Using punctum, I noticed that Einstein is a little reserved and seems shy. His body language shows that he is not completely comfortable even through he is having a pleasant time. Ilse has a genuine smile on her face and it doesn’t seem like she’s faking a smile for the sake of the photograph. She is genuinely happy. Einstein on the other hand seems a little embarrassed. These genuine details emphasize that pictures are a product of a specific moment. Both photographs are very similar and were taken within moments of each other, but I found the second one to be more pleasant and genuine. 

Upon further investigation, I discovered that one of the pictures that I photographed was in fact the smiling picture except… it was cropped

I think the fact that this picture was framed differently is another example of studium. The emotion that the photograph evokes varies depending on the framing.


The photograph I chose was of my hiking trip. At first, all you see is greenery and nothing special. But when I look at this photograph I feel at peace. Climbing the mountain was an accomplishment and seeing the view at the top was worth all of the work. My favorite part is the contrast due to the sundown. We were in the shadows but as we looked out. It was sunny and bright. If you look really close you can see boats zooming by in the water and leaving trails behind.

1 comment

  1. Anastasia,
    I loved your definition about photography. I totally agree about relating more towards pictures than drawing because they’re more realistic. It’s up to the observer to feel what they want when they look at a picture. I also enjoyed your picture because not only was the view amazing, but I like how you mentioned when you see the photograph from your hiking trip you feel at peace. Photographs can bring emotions to someone, but to another viewer it could just be a pretty view. Overall, great blog!