Madison Square Park

  • Tourist couple kissing
  • Tourists with kids taking pictures
  • Shake Shack line
  • Business men and women scurrying with briefcase
  • Man smoking a cigarette
  • Homeless man wrapped in blanket on bench
  • Woman feeding squirrel

These are a few broad and reoccurring images in this park. I have both sat in it and scurried past it. In the mornings, I need to pass through the park to get to school. I notice some things out of the corner of my eye, but most times I just focus on trying to get to class right on time. The difference between running through and sitting down in the park, is that you separate yourself from the city when you sit and observe. It is so intriguing to see tourists shine with delight as they look up at buildings, speaking hastily in their own languages and reaching up for cameras. The city is something I am used to, so their excitement is not something I relate to as I hardly pay attention to the landscape and scrunch my nose at putrid smells. However, when I took the time to look up, I realized how breathtaking this view really could be. There are diverse people and diverse structures. This captures Mumford’s “aesthetic symbol of collective unity” aspect. The buildings reach up, seemingly touching the sky. One particularly interesting building is the Flatiron Building. A beautiful structure that seems to be so symmetrical and never ending. It is staple to New York, but I would understand the excitement of seeing it for a first time. This carries the “geographic plexus” aspect. I instantly wonder how or why these people chose to come here. It is definitely past the prime of tourist season. There is the contrast of the tourists, however, with the bustling natives. As one man passes angrily on his phone frowning at the people in his way. That would totally have been a reaction I would have.  There are also people dashing out of the “R” and “W” train station, speed-walking to their destination. Then, there are the people lining up out Shake Shack. I have always avoided the one in the park. It Symbols the “an economic organization”, because Shake Shack started there and has generated so much revenue. Also, the countless number of stores and close proximity to fifth avenue shows the lavish and rich taste of the city and its money. The business people running around also encompass that since New York is seen as an economic capital as well. As a significant collective drama, this is achieved through the constant activity. There is restlessness and action everywhere. These simple scenes in the park could be made into a movie on its own. Also, the social action intertwines with this thought since there are so many people and various amounts of interactions that shape this park and this city.


Marie Traore

1 comment

  1. I love how you contrasted your experience of walking through the park as part of your daily routine to the experience as looking up at the park as perhaps a tourist. I always find it interesting how it is so easy to overlook beauty around you because you are not focusing in on it.
    I also agree with the description you gave of the Flatiron Building a “geographical plexus”. I feel this term given by Mumford can well describe this unique building.
    Cool observations !