The Social Community of Madison Square


Often, as I walk around NYC, it feels as if I am lost in a mass of people. The pace feels hectic and cacophonous. However, sometimes it feels as if this hectic buzz has a sort of rhythm and beat. It is true that the tempo is incredibly quick, yet, there is organization to the multiple sounds and motions. Lewis Mumford writes refers to a city as a “theater of social action and an aesthetic symbol of collective unity”.  Framing the city as a theater of social action allows one to see how each event, structure and being that walks the concrete streets is a participant in a real drama.

On Friday, I headed towards Madison Square Park to observe the “theater of social action”. I have always found parks necessary functions amid the concrete jungle. I feel that in a park, one can really observe people from a far and truly get a sense of what they are doing. It is different than observing pedestrians on the avenues. As I observed, I realized that there is less rush in a park. People come to relax, read, sit with friends, play with their children or to merely observe. The park was a social commonplace for unwinding.

As I looked around the park, I was found it interesting that this environment seemed like an outdoor social venue. This was because I observed people doing specific actions that seemed community like. There were eating lunch together outside on the picnic tables. There were couples sitting on benches and laughing together. One of my favorite scenes I observed was a group of young adults gardening. I asked them what they were planting, they told me daffodils. I found this beautiful because it showed me how people feel a sense of responsibility and commitment to their environment. Interestingly, their environment is everyone’s environment. This was not only their backyard, this was everyone in NYC’s backyard. There is not only one participant in the “social theater”, rather, there is a whole cast.

I better understood how shared space creates a common bond. Because all those who reside in this shared space are preforming on the same stage, they are knowingly or unknowingly connected. This connection is what allows me to tap into that hectic melody as I walk down the streets of NYC. I loved the “social theater”  definition that Mumford offered in his article. This helped define the show that observe or act in each day in NYC.


  1. I loved your beginning statement about the beat and rhythm of the city, because I often find myself perplexed by the sounds of the city and how everyone seems to be in a choreographed dance I am unaware of, and yet a part of. I also agree with your statement on the park being parallel to a community, and containing groups of people that were participating in said community. This was especially seen by the group of kids gardening, which does show how we must give back to said community. I think you made very insightful observations on the park and the city as a whole, great blog!

  2. The fact that you came in with the mindset to analyze the park in your own way is amazing. I feel like you did a good job describing it as a musical theatre. I feel like the fact you incorporated pictures gave it a visual to better help prove your point. You connected on a personal and social level which makes it your own yet makes you a part of something bigger. Great job!!!

  3. karinakarazhbey

    First off, great photography! I absolutely adore the extra add ons of the photos you included. It shows more of a personal connection with the environment and overall trip. Personally, I feel what you did was create more of a personal connection than a social connection which is amazing! The whole point was to show off the social aspect and you did so by putting yourself in the shoes of the social surroundings. My favorite part of your analysis was when you described the part as, “There is not only one participant in the “social theater”, rather, there is a whole cast.” This really hit home for me because I couldn’t agree more with that POV. It really was more of an overall experience rather than a just an interpretation of the social aspect. Great Blog!!