Grand Central Station Story


  • Sky ceiling with Zodiac signs painted on it
  • Windows on both sides of the Main Concourse that you can walk through
  • Beautiful Mural on the ceiling of the East side hallway
  • Thousands of people on their way to work and traveling
  • Old sign with train names in the Biltmore Room

On the morning of October 31st, Ally is on her way to school in the city. Her first class is at 9:05 and she is just getting off the number 7 train at Grand Central 42nd Street at 8:30. Ally usually transfers directly on the number 6 train to go downtown with out exiting into Grand Central Station. But, since today she is pretty early for class, she decided to exit. She walks down a large tiled hallway into the Main Concourse of Grand Central Station. Ally was truly amazed when she walked in. Being a New Yorker and passing through Grand Central everyday to get to school, she was taken back by the fact that she was so at awe with what she was seeing. She was a New Yorker. These things should be normal to her. But she had never seen Grand Central Station in this light before.

As Ally stands in the Main Concourse, she stares up at the ceiling. There are beautiful zodiac signs painted high above her head in gold against a blue background. She spots her the bull of the Taurus on the ceiling. As she begins to turn around and stare at the other things she’s never taken the time to see at in Grand Central, she sees the huge windows on either side of the Main Concourse. They flood the whole terminal with beautiful natural light. But then, she sees someone walking through the windows! Amazed, she goes to the information desk and asks the man at the counter about how to get up to walk through the window. He tells her that unfortunately only people who work in the buildings are given access to them. The windows were built that way to allow the people who work in those buildings to pass through the terminal quickly. Ally then asks the man at the information desk what time it was. He responds saying its 9:15. Ally says that he must be wrong she couldn’t be late for class! The man tells her that the clock in the main concourse is the most accurate clock because it sets itself every second with the atomic clock in the naval observatory in Maryland. Ally then accepts that she is most definitely  late to class even though she swears she couldn’t have spent that much time in Grand Central Station. I guess time flies by when you’re amazed by the beautiful secrets New York holds.


1 comment

  1. I loved how you mentioned the zodiac signs thats painted on the ceilings and the windows. I enjoyed reading your story and the pictures you added to your blog, it added to your story. Overall, great blog!