Grand Central Station & the Magic of Insider Knowledge

In my lifetime, I probably visited Grand Central Station a few times, but I never stopped to embrace what’s around me like other fellow New Yorkers. This trip allowed me to stop and analyze what’s around me. A special place I thought was notable was the ‘whispering walls.’ My friends and I had a conversation from opposite sides of the corners. According to the audio tour, the acoustics travel through the ceilings to the other side. Apparently, it’s  a known secret to New Yorkers, but I discovered it that day. Also if you keep a close eye, you realize the amount of details of acorns in the architecture of the terminal, which was a symbol of the Vanderbilt’s family.

Most love scenes shown in cinematography are often located in train stations and airports. Usually the character is running away from a scenario involved with their lover, on a next train or flight. In movies, the clock in the center of the train station on top of the information desk is a prominent symbol of the location. A scene that I recall that was taken in that very station is Men in Black between Will Smith and Tommy Jones. I think adding another layer of information onto this station adds to experience because as my friends and I were strolling the station we were pointing out parts of the stations that we recalled from popular shows or movies we have watched.


Nothing was going right for Elizabeth. She was stressed about everything in her life. The rapid morning traffic and influx of people only overwhelmed her even more. She halted, dropped all her stuff, and cornered herself in the whispering gallery to start crying. She didn’t know where she was heading out in life and felt alone. She just lost her job at her bank, she was a single mother of two infants, piling up on student debt, nothing was going right for her. Little did she know there was someone who was willing to listen on the opposite side of the whispering gallery, who could hear and sympathize with her. He asked her what’s wrong and why she was crying into a wall. She was so confused on who she was speaking to, all she heard was a comforting male voice. She was so upset that she gave in and mentioned that nothing in her life was going right, and that everything was falling apart. They ended up having an hour conversation through the wall without ever turning around to see each other. They talked about their beautiful children and their mutual love for Grand Central Station. It was both of their favorite spot in all of New York. Elizabeth’s daughter, Amy was going to start the first grade just like John’s son, Marty. Both of them mentioned that they come to this part of the station to think and clear their heads. Ironically, the most fast-paced spot in New York helped them rewind and think. She finally stopped crying, and they faced each other for the first time. They were complete strangers, but they ended up understanding each other so much better because of the walls. Something sparked for them, they walked towards the kissing room, and he leaned in to kiss Elizabeth. Ever since then they would try to visit the whispering gallery and kissing room to recall on the first time they met.




  1. Great story! I love Elizabeth’s character and her emotional attachment to John. Incredible ending and awesome photographs that really depicts the acorn and oak theme.

  2. I loved your story! I also loved how you discovered something new and that really shows how something or somewhere that we’re so accustomed to can always hold a new aspect.