Grand Spooky Central


  • Dimmed lighting
  • Wide Pathways
  • Stars in the ceiling
  • Beautiful art on the ceiling of the roof of fishes, horses, etc.
  • Train Stations with more modern looking trains
  • Michael Jordan’s Restaurant
  • Army men protecting the area
  • Ticket Booth
  • 1900s feeling
  • Bars and Restaurants
  • Tourists and people trying to get to work
  • MTA connected with railroad

Being that I visited Grand Central Station on such a significant day, and for the first time, I figured to go along with the theme of Halloween and create a “spooky” story. A little background information, in the 18 years I have lived in New York not once have I been to Grand Central Station/Terminal for any purpose or occasion. It isn’t for the fact I never had the chance, but frankly I was never as interested in the idea of the station. I never saw a real reason to get off the station or even explore it, until that day. I began my journey by going around the surroundings, grabbing some McDonalds and then walking around the premise. Noticing a lot of construction sites and a lot of people moving in crazy fast paces to both enter and leave the terminal. Inside the terminal, it was just as insanely fast paced but now with more tourists and more of “New York” vibe. Running, smell of coffee, police surrounding the area and crazy loud people. The area was beautiful with all kinds of décor which gave me a good idea. A good idea for story time!



Dear Diary,

No, it’s not Friday the 13th, it’s October 31st. The time of the year when you can dress up for work and not get potentially fired like the last two times you enter. The name is Billy, Billy Myers. No, not Michael Myers, that’s my costume. I landed this sweet date with the girl from my high school to the ball but the problem is, it’s in Long Island. That means I have to go all-lllll the way to Grand Central and then get a stupid railroad ticket now. This party better be worth it or I swea- okay, happy thoughts. Well now, I have to go publicly humiliate myself in the middle of Grand Central with a silly costume. Be Right Back!

Okay, update, I got off the 6 train and it’s actually empty, like dead empty. Not only is this absolutely scaring me but now I’m starting to think, maybe the party is off… That would kind-of be a waste of money, don’t you think? I’m now walking down this big pathway and there is not a single stranger in site. Not that I like strangers but you know, it would make this commute way less creepy…

Okay, so now I go up to the departures booth trying to find out where to get a ticket, and there is no clerk and still no one in site. I’m in an empty station, on Halloween, the worst possible time to be alone. I need my mommy right now because I’m literally trembling. WAIT, I hear noises! Weird noises? I checked the railroad trains and they were all dead empty, no employees in the booth and not even a tourist in site, and now these weird noises? The lighting doesn’t help with the fact I’m completely soiling myself. And no- Oh my god, ghosts. I see literal ghosts. Okay, I have to put this diary down for just one second.

Last update and potentially my will, please don’t give any of my things to my baby brother, he’ll break them. That’s beside the point. I entered Grand Central around 5 P.M. and there wasn’t a person in site. All this beautiful architecture was left stranded and alone and around 5:45 P.M. here I am, in the corner of Michael Jordan’s restaurant bar hiding from the noises. I don’t know if I’m being punk’d or if this is actually real, but I’m terrified. I just want to point out that the one time I DO come here, it ends up like this and just when I thought this early 1900s terminals was of good use for once, I was wrong. Everything I didn’t expect or possibly watched in horror movie, has literally just happened. But there are some bright sides, I got some free food from the oyster bar and a drink, or two, or five, from Jordan’s bar and the ceiling is nice. Okay, I’m being way too positive right now. But for real, is the party still on? I guess I’m going to hide here for the rest of the night. The stereotypes are true, don’t go out on Halloween….


-Kevin Hasa

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