Love In Grand Central Station

When assigned to go on an audio tour of Grand Central Station I was kind of bummed thinking that it was I have been a bunch of times and didn’t need to learn about. I thought I had all of the insider knowledge of Grand Central Station before the tour, however, the tour made me realize how little insider knowledge I actually had. I received prior insider knowledge due to me commuting to Grand Central Station once a week. One of the most efficient modes of transportation for me is to take a train from Grand Central Station to the Scarsdale train station, which is about 5 minutes away from my house. I have been in and out of Grand Central hundreds of times and each time I discover a new part or aspect of it. Today, when going on an audio tour of Grand Central I easily learned more about the building’s history and structure than any of my previous visits. During my previous visits, something that has occurred a dozen of times and always stood out to me is seeing a bride and groom take wedding pictures in the main concourse of the Grand Central Terminal. It amazed me that at a train terminal was the setting people wanted their most cherished pictures taken. The abundance of people taking their wedding pictures here emulate Grand Centrals beauty. The architecture is truly spectacular. The main concourse where over 700,000 people walk through on any given day (including a groom in a tuxedo and a bride in her white gown) consists of magnificent Beaux-arts architecture and walls of glass which are 60 feet glass windows.


A story I would create in Grand Central Station with my insider knowledge on the structure would be a love story between a man and a woman who bump into each other and meet in the main concourse of Grand Central Station at 6:35pm on a Sunday afternoon. After meeting, their relationship escalates and they meet at the food court of Grand Central Station for a date at a different food place every week. Due to the man living in Crestwood and the woman living in Stamford, Grand Central Station because the foundation and the place of gathering. Before each date the man walks to the Biltmore room in Grand Central and gets his shoes shined at Eddie’s Shoe Repair and buys the woman flowers from DAHLIA. The lovebirds continue to have their Grand Central date once a week for the next seven years. After seven years of unconditional love, the man brings the women to the middle of Grand Central and when “the clock”, the four-faced clock over the information desk in the middle of Grand Central, hit 6:35 on that Sunday evening, the man got down on one knee and proposed. It was a huge scene as hundreds of family and friends cried from the second floor of the main concourse. Grand Central police officers, engineers and strangers applauded during the proposal. The man and woman continued to utilize the magnificent Grand Central and took their wedding pictures there.

Andrew Langer

The Man bought flowers for the Woman at DAHLIA in the Biltmore Room

The Man got his shoes shined before each date at Eddie’s Shoe Repair in the Biltmore Room

“The Clock”- Is the place where the Man and Woman meet and where the Man proposed to the Woman


  1. Your movie synopsis is that of an award-nominated love piece, you may want to consider a change in your major after that one! Apart from the wonderful story, I enjoyed how you said that a very familiar place still holds much in the way of learning. This is true of places as rich and complex as Grand Central and your description is one I found a pleasure to read.

  2. anastasiyamalin

    I love the idea behind your love story. I like that they live in different places but Grand Central is a place of connection for them for more than one reason. I also love the idea of tradition and how they meet up at least once a week to try new places. The pictures are also really nice, and the captions definitely enhance your story.

  3. You did a great job combining what you already knew about the station and your personal experiences to the knew stuff you learned about on the tour. I liked how you chose really specific examples of things around Grand Central Station to incorporate into your story, it really helps illustrate a cohesive picture. Great work!

  4. I loved how you made your visits to GCS personal and helped to use those experiences in your story. It seems like you have a vast knowledge about GCS and I’m sure this audio tour helped with that even more. Your story was amazing because it was detailed and by the end of the story, you were able to tie all your thoughts together to create a great story! Great job Andrew!!