Grand Central Terminal

Grand Central has always been one of my favorite places to visit. I would take the Metro-North train into Grand Central Terminal with my family when we were taking a day-trip into Manhattan. One of my favorite restaurants of all time, Michael Jordan’s steakhouse, is located in the main concourse of the terminal. I have so many fond memories with my friends and family in the main concourse, as this was where we would reconvene before our excursion into New York City. I remember as a child, we would always pick up Magnolia cupcakes in the dining concourse before our train ride back home.

I enjoyed taking the audio tour of Grand Central Terminal, because I was able to learn aboutthe history of a place that holds so many memories. As the hub of New York City since the Industrial Revolution, Grand Central holds so much history. Grand Central Terminal is visited by millions of people on a weekly basis and I appreciate the opportunity to learn about Grand Central’s history and importance to the expansion of New York City’s trade and commerce.


Rose bursts through the main doors leading into Grand Central Terminal, looking anxiously at her watch as she runs through the crowd of people. She sprints up to the schedule information screen. As she looks furiously for her track number, she realizes she has just missed her train. The next train is in an hour, so Rose decides to explore the train terminal. She wanders around the dining concourse and notices a group of tourists crowding around the corners of an entrance way. Curious to find out what they were doing, Rose walks towards the crowd of people.

Matt wakes up to the sound of an MTA employee yelling over the P.A. system the familiar words of, “You have arrived at Grand Central Terminal. Please watch the gap between the train and the platform.” He grabs his briefcase and runs out of the train. He looks at his phone, checking for a text message from the woman he was planning to meet at the Oyster Bar for drinks. He walks out into the dining concourse, questioning whether or not he should indulge in some Shake Shack before he gets drinks. He notices a group of people hovering around the corners of the famous Whispering Gallery at Grand Central Terminal, whose arches carry the sound of a whisper to the opposite side of the diagonal. As he watches the people take turns testing out the architectural magic, he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. The text message reads, “Sorry, I can’t make it tonight. Stuck at work.” While Matt is angry he has taken the trip into Manhattan for no reason, he pushes his way into the crowd of people. He accidentally bumps into a young woman, waiting in line for the spectacle.

Rose stands below the set of arches, watching people talk to the corner and laughing to themselves. She wondered what they were hearing, “What is the wall saying to them?” She decides to wait in a line of people, excited to find out what everyone was so interested in. She admires the arches of the walkway, as a young man bumps her out of line. The young man apologies sincerely, asking her if she is waiting for the Whispering Gallery. Rose questions him, as she is not a native New Yorker. He explains to her that the way the arches are designed in this particular walkway allow sound the travel to the opposite diagonal of the walkway. He tells her to stand in the corner and listen for his voice. She leans her head into the corner, as she hears his distinctive voice, “You’re beautiful!” She laughs and turns around to see him smiling back at her.

Matt walks back to her, questioning if she heard his voice. Rose, taken back by what just happened, laughs nervously. Matt asks her if she wants to grab drinks at the famous Oyster Bar with him until her train arrives. Rose missed two more trains while enjoying a pleasant evening with Matt in Grand Central Terminal.

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