Nas Capturing Urban Change

            On a busy Tuesday morning, I was assigned to visit the New York Historical Society Library with my fellow peers. There I was introduced to a world of New York and the other boroughs I have yet to see. The adaptation and the progression of how it has changed but more interestingly, how it was supposed* to change. In the library, we were introduced to a book, “Never Built New York,” which caught my eye from the second the instructor mentioned it. To think, there are models and thousands of replicas of buildings that were never built, but supposed to be. Supposed to be. This draws the question of how not only New York, but New York and its surroundings were made or created and how they’ve adapted from the early years to this present day.

With the assignment at hand I used the source that caught my eye at first, the Spotify playlist, but more particular, “New York State of Mind” by Nas written in 94’. In this song Nas shows us the way the “New York” state of mind was based. The violence of guns and shootings followed robberies and people screaming depicts a very rough part of his past that he expresses in his music. Along with the violence of guns is the positive mindset he brings to the table such as, investments and hoping the “cash came correct” meaning, he wants to be rich someday but a place like New York wasn’t where to start, at least not that part of New York. Nas is what I like to call, the “typical gangster.” Young, violent but curious and full of courage. Although the “hood” isn’t the best place the start, it wasn’t a reason to say no and not follow your dreams by letting such minor blocks ruin your chance to success. The way he expresses the city shows it as almost like a hill with a king on top. You have to beat everything in your way and overcome every possible task to get to the top. After beating out the violence, bad influences and horrible mentions, you can finally arise to the top. These acts show how some parts of the city aren’t just businessmen and money. That New York isn’t just full of hope and the second you walk in you’re rich beyond your wildest dreams. We too, have bad areas, bad influences and bad reputations. We have good kids and bad kids, nice businessmen and scammers, bosses and assholes, but most importantly we have culture. Without these key factors, we wouldn’t have what New York is today. A pool of mixed social hierarchy, people, occupations and culture. Whether you wear a suit around your shoulders or hold a strap under your belt, you are part of New York and to this day, that image hasn’t changed. We still have the areas where Nas can walk comfortably knowing the area but others walk with their heads in the dirt, too afraid to see what’s around.

To conclude, New York is still New York from 1960 as it was in 1980 and how it was in 2000 and now. New York is New York, we aren’t perfect and we definitely aren’t the best choice out there, but we are special in our own way for the way we carry our uniqueness and still stay true to ourselves. Nas knows it, I know it and before you know it, you’ll know it.

-Kevin Hasa


  1. I loved your focus on how New York is a “hill” and we have to work hard in order to become the “king.” I found this particularly fascinating and intriguing since it offered a great visual and perspective of the city. I totally agree on this since I too believe that this city holds such an expectation for all its residents. This city is almost built so we all have to work hard in order for us to survive here. In this sense, the city offers a survival of the fittest themed culture. Great work!

  2. Wow, really an incredible post! I find it so fascinating that Nas talks about “beating everything in your way and overcoming every possible task to get to the top”. Oddly enough, I think that perfectly describes the city. I agree with you about how important the culture is in New York City and how privileged we are to live in such an inspiring place. Great work!