More on the STEAM Festival

Dear Students,

A bit more on STEAM and your last round of edits to what you will be showing at the festival.

First, let me say that the Festival will be a lot of fun! It’s designed to be a place to showcase ideas and projects, and to learn from your peers questions and methods around the topics both Seminar 1 (Arts in New York City) and Seminar 3 (Science Forward).

In terms of the logistical aspect of the Festival, Prof. Heath sent the link to the registration information, you should have also received an email from Macaulay with the details. Either way,  make sure to register ASAP as slots fill and you may not get the time that best fits your weekend schedule.

I will be there next Tuesday (11/28) to go over how to fine-tune your individual sites. In the meantime, please take some time to explore the content you have already created and take some notes on what you’d like to change, especially as you consider these to be the projects you will share with peers within Macaulay at large, and faculty.

I also suggest that those of you who have not created a “shell” that you do so now. A shell is what gives a central home to all your digital projects, and If you have already done by adding new pages to your Photo Portfolio, that’s exactly what we’re looking for.

Please let me know if you have any questions before  I see you in class on Tuesday.

I hope you all have a nice holiday!



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