The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Monster Taxi cabs

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari definitely played on my views of what was real or not. For a film made in 1920, the acting, the plot and the scenery were well presented. I found myself confused at first because I did not really understand what was happening. It was not until halfway through the film did I even begin to understand what the plot was. While the plot was portrayed as well as possible, the aspects of it being a silent film did drive me insane. I am so used to the talking in a movie and how things are well explained, that having to figure it out on my own and watch the action was, ashamedly, a bit challenging. But I did figure it out and the music and acting really played a big part in it. The music is what people now win awards for and I feel like the music in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari could have won an award. It matched both the action and the mood the viewers were supposed to feel. At certain points, it would be very dramatic, or it would be suspenseful or happy or sad. To represent all of that in a film accurate takes a great deal of skill that I appreciate. Another noteworthy thing was the selective use of words. The actors could not speak but some things need words. And they emphasized the words with a dramatic “bang” in the music. Overall, while I would not watch it again, they did a great job with the movie.

If I was to make my own silent murder movie based in NY, using only a few words, lighting and music I think it would be something based off of taxi cabs. Taxi cabs and drivers are the one things about NY that really freak me out. I would use the theme of New York at night when the clubs are even closing and there aren’t a lot of people out. The thing about it would be that in the beginning the viewers would be forced to believe it was the taxi drivers kidnapping people, etc. But then it would be revealed that it was actually the taxis themselves. And each time the person would be getting kidnapped, they would be consumed by the taxis and made into another taxi monster thing. I feel like this would really freak people out, and even knowing that it is not real (or is it) they would be wary of riding around in taxis in NY.

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