Final Play

I would like to base my play on the earth and how humans are polluting it and ruining it.



Mother nature


Cruise crew

Cruise guests

College Student Group



The setting would take place on a cruise ship. In my first scene, kids will be running around laughing and having fun. The parents will be relaxing in the sun, and the young adults will be in the ship casino drinking and laughing. Everyone is on the ship having fun and throwing garbage over board. The cruise ship is emptying its waste wherever it was at the moment. The cruise ship was sailing into beautiful clear water and leaving a trail of dirt behind it. This is where projectors will play a large role in my opera. It will show the drastic change that the cruise ship is making in the water. As the ship approaches the middle of the ocean, surrounded by nothing, it will stop moving. People will be freaking out and running around. There will be no phone service and no way to get in contact with anyone. There will be a young college engineer group on their spring break, they will be the center of the play. While they’re in their rooms trying to figure out what to do next, they decide to go outside and get some fresh air. There they’ll see whales swimming around the water. As they look closer, they realize that there are all kinds of fish swimming around that they never noticed. As they’re observing the water, a whale will pop out and start speaking to them. It will show them how polluted the water is. It will show them all the fish wrapped up in garbage and a dying whale that ate too much plastic. It will then explain that the reason the boat isn’t moving is because their own garbage got wrapped up in the engine. The only one that can save them now is the whale and all the other fishes. All they have to do is swim down and take out all the garbage. But they don’t want to do that. All the fish are mad that humans are polluting the waters and they refuse to save them. The college students then go speak with the ship captain. They explain what happened and make a deal. They go back to the whale and offer their apologies. They then promise that if the fishes help them, all the humans on board will stop throwing garbage over board. And they promise to tell the ship company about what is going on in the oceans in order for it to change its ways. The whale is still skeptical and doesn’t believe that all of the humans will follow through. The kids are forced to hold a ship meeting. Everybody is desperate to get home safe so hey sign a contract saying they’ll stop polluting. The whale finally agrees and the little fish swim down and empty the engine of all of the garbage. Everyone is happy and thankful and everyone heads home. But by the time everyone reaches their home, they forget about their promise and continue on with life just like they have been




Even though this is a summer cruise ship, most of the people will be wearing conservative clothing so the viewers can focus on the idea I’m presenting.

The main focus will be on the lights and projections on the stage. I would use a lot of projections in every scene because I think you can really manipulate what the audience sees.

I think I would have to have several prebuilt stages that get pulled in and out between scenes. Especially with the cruise ship. I would need different views of the cruise ship. I would also need different sets to show different parts of the ship.

I would like to incorporate weird music into my play. There will be a lot of sad and happy music. But I would also like include music that would make the audience feel uncomfortable and uneasy. The topic of my play should make people uncomfortable so they rethink their actions

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