Modern Opera

Description: This opera will tell the story of a modern-day middle class family, who have decided to take a family vacation to tour the United States in an RV.

The Characters:

  1. Joseph- The Father
  2. Rachel- The Mother
  3. Alex- Oldest Son
  4. Nancy- Middle daughter
  5. Grace- Youngest daughter

Costume, Set, Music, Lighting: Each character in this opera will be dressed in modern costumes. Joseph will be dressed in a suit or casual kakis and Rachel will be dressed in a sundress or jeans. The children will be dressed in modern children’s clothes, such as sweatshirts, jeans, t-shirts, or anything else comfortable and casual. The opera will open up to a set of a living room, but as the family makes their plans the set changes to the outside of an RV. The scenes will differ based on which state they are passing through. There will be scenes and sets taking place inside the RV, as well as sets of historical landmarks or any other notable destination along the way. The orchestra will play according to the plot of the scene. As the family enjoys their time together, upbeat music will play as they sing the lyrics. As the family fights over meaningless issues, the orchestra will play solemn, angry music. The lighting will change based on which sets are being used, as well as which characters are on stage. The lighting will mostly be bright, but will mimic the states and weather in which they pass through.

Act 1:

Scene 1: The set will open up to a living room, as the entire family sits around and plays a board game. The father begins to sing of his pain, explaining that he misses his family and wants to spend more time with them. Rachel comes up with the fantastic idea that her family should travel across the country in an RV, in order to spend more quality family time together. The teenagers, Alex and Nancy, begin to complain because they do not want to spend so much time in a small space. The scene ends with the children complaining and whining, while their parents are very excited to begin their vacation together.

Scene 2-3: Scenes two and three consist of the family loading the RV, and getting on the road. Scene two will be set inside the RV, giving insight on how the family is feeling, as well as shining comedic relief on the entire opera. Scene three will be their first stop on the trip, New York City. There should be comedy added into this scene as the family try to make their way through the city traffic. There would be a scene of the family shopping, and interacting with regular New Yorkers. The Scene ends as the family loads back into the RV.

Act 2:

Scene 4-5: Scene four will consist of the family stopping in Texas, and visiting the Alamo. As this is the first time the family has been in Texas, they begin to learn about the culture and normalities in the South. The next scene will consist of the family arriving at Grand Canyon, the teenagers continue to complain that the trip is not fun and they want to go home. Their parents try their best to entertain them with no success.

Scene 6: The final scene will take place in Los Angeles, California, where the family will end their vacation and relax on the beach. The teenagers fall in love with the warm weather and style of California, that they refuse to leave. The family had planned to drive the RV back to New York, but instead stay an extra week in California and take a plane back.

End of Opera.

Conclusion: I feel as though comedic operas are the most interesting to watch. The Magic Flute was so fun to watch, due to the comedy that was placed into each scene. I feel as though a performance, like The Nutcracker, that is easy to follow are the best to watch. This opera would mirror the Nutcracker in the way that is presents different cultures and styles in each scene. This opera would demonstrate the different lives and cultures in each state, as the family visits them. I really enjoyed the Magic Flute, and I hope I am able to attend another opera performance soon.

Lile Ruggiero

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