
Visiting the library, it was interesting to see the maps and plans of what NYC looked like and what it could have looked like today. I liked having physical representations and maps of the plans and seeing buildings that are no longer there today. What captured my attention the most were the graffiti buildings that were torn down to build a luxury high rise. I’ve always heard about the debate on whether graffiti is art, but for the first time, looking at those buildings I considered them to be art. Those buildings would have been so popular in modern day in NYC. Everyone would be traveling there to take cool pictures to post on different social media cites. Its unfortunate that they had to be removed. I decide to pull up old maps of NYC from the New York Public Library

The two maps that caught my attention the most were of manhattan was NYC IN 1922 and 1911. The 1922 map was a map that showed all of the different factories in NYC and what they produced. It was really cool to see how much space these factories occupied. The 1911 map played into what the 1922 map showed but it was a little different. Instead of high lighting different ares to show the different manufacturing that was produced during that time, the map was more illustrative and provides an image of what the city looked like. It shows the factories and the smoke coming out of them. This new map does show a lot of new taller buildings also. It clearly represents the transition into modern day New York.

Map of Manhattan 1900 also caught my attention because it wasn’t just a street map. It showed all of the buildings. All the buildings seem to be tightly packed and I imagine life to be like a tight community even though the area is so large. There are so many little buildings and the streets look almost irrelevant. They’re just tiny spacing between the buildings. There is also lack of greenery, it took me a while to realize that all I was looking at was buildings. That aspect fit in with the surrounding factories because it gives it an “all business” feeling. Its weird to think that so many kids and families grew up in this city. It also puts my life into perspective now. Even though there is a handful of parks in Manhattan, it doesn’t seem like the most child friendly place. There are always so many people and cars and hazards, its weird to think that people grow up here.

Maps are different from other sources of information because it allows us to see the bigger picture. Photographs are often focused and biased. They usually convey a message and have an agenda while maps are strictly informative. It provides us with a view from up high and puts objects into perspective. I didn’t realize how big NYC is and how many buildings there are and how many people those buildings can hold. Seeing the maps also made me think about my current life in NYC and how a lot of aspects of family life haven’t changed. I

Although I use Google Maps every day to figure out how I’m going to get somewhere, I rarely look at an actual map. I decided to make maps the center of my blog because it was crazy to see how much information I deny myself on a daily basis. The maps in the 1900s were just as detailed if not more as our online maps right now. I wasn’t expecting that and so I was definitely surprised and captivated.

1922 Map

1911 Map

1900 Map

1 comment

  1. I never knew as much about all of these maps. I think it is interesting that the maps used to be more in depth when it displayed the surroundings of New York. Maps showed things such as factories and buildings, but now it does not do so as much. I think that the subway lines have become so complex and tangled that if the MTA tried to add too many buildings, it would just confuse people. I think tourists have now become aware of famous streets such as “42nd Times Square” rather than the location of actual buildings. Very unique and interesting post!