Aug 17


Attendance: Attendance is mandatory for all class meetings, class field trips, and Arts in New York common events. Some field trips and course events will happen in the evening or outside of the regularly scheduled class time. If you have a conflict with any of the planned group events, please discuss this with me ASAP.

It is essential that you arrive on-time to the meeting point to receive your ticket for these performances. I will and have left behind students who are not present by the meeting time. Plan accordingly and allow extra time for transit issues and other delays. DO NOT BE LATE.

If you miss a class session or class field trip to a performance (i.e. the ballet or opera) you will need to make up this missed class through an independent assignment that will require to attend an alternate performance or exhibit. It is your responsibility to contact me to figure out an alternative to satisfy this requirement.

I reserve the right to drop anyone from the class who misses 3 or more classes and field trips.

Participation: However, it is not enough to simply attend class and activities. Discussions (in-class and on-line) will be the main way that we, as a class, learn about and explore the Arts in New York City. In order for these discussions to work you must participate! Active participation entails: having completed the assigned readings and assignments in advance of class; being prepared to talk and contribute your ideas and observations in class discussions, class activities, and the class blog; responding to the contributions of your classmates.

If you have problems speaking in class you must come talk to me before the third class session so that we can figure out strategies to help you participate.

E-Portfolio Blog: Each student will be required to contribute to the class blog on an almost weekly basis (see the class schedule below).  Instructions for the blog will be discussed the first day of class; instructions for each blog assignment will be posted on the class e-portfolio site in advance of the due date. Denisse Andrade is our ITF and she can help you with any technical questions about the class e-portfolio site.

Note that late submissions will be marked down in the following manner: Assignments submitted after the deadline but within 48 hours of due date will be marked down by 1 point. Blog assignments more than 48 hours after the due date but within 72 hours will be marked down 2 points. Assignments submitted more than 72 hours after the deadline will not receive credit.

You may claim one (1) 72-hour extension for a blog assignment in the course of the semester. However, you must e-mail me to let me know that you taking the extension before the blog is due. In addition, you are still responsible for commenting on the work of classmates by the regular deadline.

Individual Projects: Each section of the course includes an individual project for you to complete. These projects are: Art and Reality Curatorial Project; Photo Portfolio; City Stories; and Opera for Modern Times Instructions will be distributed for each assignment well in advance.

Your individual projects will be posted to your personal e-portfolio. You will create this site on the first day of class. Please contact Denisse if you are experiencing technical issues with this site.

You may request an extension for one (1) of the four projects. Please e-mail Professor Heath in advance to arrange a new deadline. You are only allowed one extension, however. Individual assignments will be marked down one grade letter for each 24-hour period that they are late. Assignments submitted more than 72 hours after the deadline will receive no credit.

A note about deadlines: Unless otherwise indicated, most assignments will be due on Sunday evenings. This day has been chosen because some assignments require you to go on excursions that may require extra time that is not always available during the week. In addition, I recognize that many students work during the week (or the weekend) and that have family or religious obligations earlier in the weekend. However, you do not have to wait until Sunday evening to submit your assignment. If you feel strongly about needing to save your weekends for non-school time, feel free to submit your work earlier.


Attendance and Class Participation: 30%

Blog Assignments: 30%

Individual Projects: 40%

It will be calculated in the following way

Attendance and Participation:  30 points, or 2 points per class including performances

Blog Assignments:                  30 points, or 3 points per blog assignment

Individual Projects:                  40 points, or 10 points per assignment

Total                                       100 points


Electronic Devices: Cell phones and other wireless devices should be turned off before entering class.  Texting during class is disrespectful and disruptive (and rarely unnoticed), especially in a discussion-based class.  If you are seen texting during class you will receive a 0 for the day’s attendance and participation grade.  I will not issue warnings.

Time-Management and Deadlines: The deadlines for all classwork are clearly marked on this syllabus and in the class calendar so as to help you anticipate your workload and manage your time to meet these deadlines.  I am happy to meet with you to discuss strategies for meeting these deadlines in advance of the due date.

Office Hours and Communication: I will have office hours every Tuesday afternoon. I encourage you to come and see me during these office hours if you find that you are having trouble with the course and its material, need help with assignments, or simply wish to discuss the material further. If you have a conflict with my office hours you may also e-mail me to set up an appointment for an alternative time.  However, if you make an appointment (whether in office hours or outside of them) and are unable to keep the meeting, please e-mail me to cancel or reschedule the meeting as soon as possible (and certainly before the appointment begins).

I am also happy to respond to formally composed and signed e-mails containing quick questions and clarifications, but anything that requires a detailed response (such as questions about class performance, grades, help with reading and assignments) needs to be discussed in person.  E-mails that do not include the student’s name will not receive a response.

Academic Honesty: Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will result in two actions:

The infraction will be reported to the University.

You will receive a 0 (i.e. no credit) for the assignment in question.

If you have two instances of academic dishonesty within the semester you will be given an F for the class. I will not make any exceptions to this policy.

The university offers a definition of what constitutes honest academic work and advice about how to avoid academic dishonesty at http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/academic/academic_honesty.html.  Please consult this page before the second week of class.

Accommodations for Disabilities and Learning Differences: Students who need accommodations for disabilities and learning differences must have an Accommodation Letter from the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD).  Please contact Barbara Sirois, Director of Services for Students with Disabilities in B2-271 or at (646) 312-4590.

Additional information can also be found on at this website.

**Please give Dr. Heath your Accommodations Letter by the beginning of the second week of the semester.

Aug 17


Attendance is mandatory