This is a site created by Prof Lina Newton’s Seminar 2 course – the Peopling of New York City.

Students worked in groups throughout the semester to undertake research on 6 of New York’s immigrant groups–Chinese, Indian, Ecuadorian, Dominican, Jamaican and Mexican. In these posts you can find the key findings of their research, statistical profiles, and researched narratives on the history of the immigrant group’s migration & settlement.

Enjoy exploring the projects on the stories of NYC residents!

  1. Hi! I am a NYC public school teacher working on an immigration unit when I came across this amazing project! This website offers such a wonderful compilation of stories on key immigrant groups in NYC. It was exactly the type of resource I wanted to share with my students! Thank the professor of the course and the students for putting this project together and making it a public resource!

  2. I am also a NYC public school teacher, and your websites continue coming up as we research how immigrant communities made their homes here in NYC. Thank you for initiating such a project and having your students publish it online. So useful! I hope some of my students have your class one day in the future 🙂

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