Day two of class today was a realization that the tutorial class was not in session. In order to understand what I mean, I should explain that there are generally three types of courses: lecture, lab (for science courses), and tutorial (which seems to be the same as recitation). I wound up waiting an extra hour until my next class, which was BCH4043 Food Chemistry. I found this course to be quite interesting, since I feel I could find a lot of practical applications.

After this course was a huge gap (a seven-hour gap), so I decided to hang around with some friends, traveling to Central (中環) to eat dim sum and later eating dinner at the Festival Walk. It was quite nice having this huge break, so I could do many things during that time period. Perhaps I will go ice-skating or watch a movie while I have this break.

Afterwards I had my Chinese course for three hours and later went back home.