Went to a my parent’s church early in the morning, but it took quite a while for me to get there so I wound up late… oh well. After service, I went out to eat with some old and new friends from church at a Japanese restaurant. Considering it was Japanese cuisine, the price was reasonable and the meal was quite satisfying. A while later, we went to get some mango dishes at a dessert place. A really unique taste indeed. No pics though, sorry!

Afterwards, I went back home to rest up before eating dinner with some friends of my parents from a long time ago at a seminary canteen at Ma On Shan (馬鞍山). I thought the price was really cheap: if you buy at least one of their dishes, the rice and soup is $10 per person with as many refills as you want. Each dish was about $40, but there was quite a bit of food for each. It was my first time trying pig’s feet… it was… different from what I usually eat, but I wouldn’t say it was bad. Going to continue trying new foods, let’s go!

Realized later on that I have school tomorrow… it really does feel like vacation right now, but it’s only fair considering I only had one week of school so far. We shall see how it goes, but I am excited to see how this semester develops!