Long day of the week: 9am class to a class that ends at 8:30pm. Many firsts today. Before class started, I quickly went to the canteen to grab some buns, only to find out that it did not taste as good as I would have hoped; I tasted better ones in New York! Oh well… Then I went to the library, only to find that it opens at 8:30am, which surprised me considering there are dorms open as well… what’s more, when I arrived there the second time, there was a line forming waiting to get in, probably to access the computers and printers there…

Afterwards was my first tutorial class, which I found to be quite helpful. We went over three questions for food chemistry and then the instructor showed a demonstration by placing crackers in solutions of varying humidity. The effects will be shown next week. Then we had the lecture portion, where we finished up discussing about water and then started talking about carbohydrates. I’m excited to learn more about food chemistry, since I feel like there will be some great applications despite there not being a practical component.

I had a few hours break in between classes so I decided to grab something to eat, this time my first official Western dish in Hong Kong with an Asian flavor I suppose: salmon and spaghetti with white sauce. Though it didn’t taste bad, the portion was a bit disappointing…

Soon after I went back to school, I attended a lab safety session, which wound up being quite short and concise, which was a relief. Each student is required to wear lab coats and goggles at all times. Slightly different from at home, where unless certain chemicals are being used (such as bromine), lab coats are not required. What’s also cool here is that there are lockers that can be used for access while class is in session.

After this was another break, and while it was still somewhat early (around 4:30), I decided to grab a really early dinner considering my class didn’t start until 6pm. While I was eating dinner though, I managed to see someone that I saw on the city excursion, so shortly after eating, we walked around the mall for a bit before I left to go to class.

The final class I attended was about environmental issues and the ways of going about handling them. I thought it was interesting that it was my first time that I had class in a lecture hall… Today we focused on the importance of fuel on aviation and how the lack of oil may make the world seem “big” again since travel is much more inconvenient without this coveted resource we once took for granted in the past.

Once class was dismissed, I left to take the subway to the University (大學) station, which was, as its name implies, the place of another university, in this case, the Chinese University of Hong (香港中文大學). The reason I thought this place was of significance to this blog was because of the statue I saw there which highly resembled the Statue of Liberty. It was called the “New Goddess of Democracy.” Just thought it was something interesting to note.