My apologies for not uploading more pictures onto the blog, so this one will have many images to make up for it!

Two classes today: Chinese and analytical chemistry. Chinese is proving to be a tough subject, what with many challenges to overcome, but I hope to enjoy this course. Chemistry is also going to be challenging, but it does not seem too difficult to handle at the moment so long as I pace myself with my studies.

After my classes, I went back home to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and my uncle’s birthday with relatives from my dad’s side. There was so much food for dinner today, with some classic dishes such as 西洋菜 (a type of vegetable dish), fish, sushi, chicken, pork, and radish. We also had mooncakes for dessert and then walked around with lanterns. It was my first time celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival with my relatives, so it was a really great experience.