
Mostly a relaxing day, did a bit of studying.


I went to church in the morning, and after a short time of relaxing and studying, I went out for dinner with relatives.


Only one class today. Did a bit of studying for the Chinese exam.


Long day today with class starting at 9am and ending at 10pm. It turned out that the morning didn’t have a tutorial class, which meant that I could’ve come in at around 10am instead, but at least I had some studying done. The Chinese exam went ok, but there was still some difficulty, especially the listening part. Volunteering went well; I helped tutor a student in essay writing. The final class I had wound up being a debate about public transportation vs. private car. I wound up participating a lot more because of my better English overall compared to other students, haha.


I had lab today (the final lab of the semester), and soon afterwards went to my aunt’s workplace to tutor my cousin in chemistry. Afterwards, we went out for Pizza Hut. The food was quite satisfying.


Two classes today: Chinese and chemistry. Chinese was the second part of the exam, which focused on speaking: first some Chinese characters followed by speaking about a specific topic for two minutes. There was definitely some difficulty in doing so, even though the topic offered to me was quite simple (interests).


It was somewhat amusing that prior to class I had no idea what to eat considering I usually know what to eat. Perhaps it was the amount of options or the lack of appetite at that moment, but it was definitely… unique to say the least. After class, I did some studying (and napping) before getting involved with my fellowship, which was all games and eating. Quite enjoyable indeed.


This morning, I went with some classmates at Yau Ma Tei to eat Vietnamese food and at the same time improve my Cantonese. It was not as fruitful as I expected (though I wasn’t sure what to expect so… I don’t know, haha), but it was nice knowing more people. Afterwards, I went to my other church for fellowship, and again, it was game day!