Sorry about the late posts. These couple of days have been a bit loaded with studying.

November 23

In the morning, I had 飲茶 (yumcha) with my relatives, including my paternal grandfather’s brother and his wife. It was certainly nice seeing the couple. No pictures though… next time!

After yumcha, I traveled to CityU finish up an assignment and submitted it. Afterwards, I went to Tsim Tsa Tsui to have fellowship. After sticking around for a bit to take some pics and fool around a bit on the piano, I headed back home to get some studying done.

November 24

I went to church in the morning and then somewhat got involved in helping in the production of a performance that will be done early December. Upon getting home, it started to rain, which was a surprise since rain is more prevalent in the summer. In any case, I was a bit soaked even though I was only exposed to the rain for a bit. It was a good thing that it only rained for a short time though, haha.