I went with my friend to 大澳 (Tai O) after eating out for lunch at 東涌 (Tung Chung). The weather was perfect for traveling; there were a lot of great views and a lot of snacks to eat. Tai O was interesting as there were trees that were found on the shore and there were many stray cats and dogs walking around.

A really well-known specialty in Tai O is shrimp paste; we had a chance to see many areas with that. In addition, we passed by some old houses (so I was able to visualize how my parents lived when they were younger). Afterwards, we visited a hotel that was located what used to be an old police station; there were still remnants of it left, including a door where there were nine bullets.

After our travels to Tai O, we went our separate ways, with me heading back to City U’s Christmas party.