Monday, January 27th, 2014

We woke up early to have breakfast and then head out to our second community, where we saw similar issues with regards to water. Something that was eventually picked up was the prevalence and reliance on poverty tourism. Kids would follow us around and eventually ask us to check out the stores owned by their […]

Early in the morning we had a buffet-style breakfast and caught sight of a double rainbow! I thought that was really cool. We set out first to another water company, called CORAAPLATA (Corporación del Acueductos y Alcantarillados de Puerto Plata). This company drew some water from the river, purified it, and then let the water back […]

After a morning class, we took the bus to ILAC (Institute for Latin American Concern). Over forty years, this place has offered housing to people involved in mission work in the communities in El Cibao, such as house rebuilding and building aqueducts, bridges, and community centers. In addition, there are rooms to treat patients. ILAC […]