Early in the morning we had a buffet-style breakfast and caught sight of a double rainbow! I thought that was really cool.

We set out first to another water company, called CORAAPLATA (Corporación del Acueductos y Alcantarillados de Puerto Plata). This company drew some water from the river, purified it, and then let the water back into the river, thus minimalizing the amount of uncleanliness in the water.

Our second stop for the day was to a community under poverty. We noted the issues with water, such as the piping and limited water sources when it did not rain as some of the faucets did not work. There did not seem to be any latrines visible; in fact, people used a man-made river to defecate and urinate. There were also many animals there, including dogs, cats, and chickens. Only public places such as the church had an adequate water piping system, through tanks that were placed on top of the building.

Afterwards, we went back to the hotel to have lunch and a short lecture before ending the night with karaoke, which was a lot of fun.