After a relatively short lab with analytical chemistry (gas chromatography to be exact), I went with my classmate to check out this event called the Mega Sale. They sold various things, from electronics to food and practically everything else in between. I then went to my friend’s dorm to hang out with some classmates. She came back from Taiwan and had some snacks for us to eat!

After relaxing for a bit, my friend and I went to a Korean culture event, which had some cool things there, including learning how to write your name in Korean (based on the Chinese name, which works, since Korean is based off of Chinese from what I know, but correct me if I’m wrong), eating Korean snacks, and playing games such as jegichagi (제기차기) and ddaki chigi (probably the wrong spelling because I cannot find the characters). I thought this was really cool to experience Korean culture firsthand; I haven’t had this experience while in the US.

I was really tired by the time I left the Korean culture event, so I decided to head back home and practiced writing and reading Chinese. I also had dinner with my cousin and had a good conversation. It was really refreshing considering I seldom usually get a chance to talk to him.