Yesterday I had only one course in the afternoon (analytical chemistry). I really liked how the professor taught. What makes me really grateful is that over here, textbooks are generally not used, and from what I hear, even in classes that require them, the textbooks are generally not too pricy either.

After having class, I went back home where I finally had a chance to eat dinner with my cousin and another guest. It was really great being able to talk and relax.

Overall, looking forward to analytical chemistry the most, followed by food chemistry, and then the social statistics and research methods course. Hopefully, my other courses will follow suit. Just dropped the Chinese course and the cultural identity course, the former because it seemed too simple, and the latter because I felt it to be too difficult. The only thing I somewhat dislike about this uni (but I can see their reasoning) is that you cannot drop after a week into classes without an extremely good reason. This limits how long I can get a feel for that course… maybe I’ve been spoiled at CUNY.