Aerial view of Hong Kong

I arrived in Hong Kong at around 3pm. It was initially supposed to be 1:30pm, but it was delayed due to maintenance issues and the need for fuel. I was greeted by my relatives (and the hot, humid air) once I arrived and quickly settled down at my aunt [Miriam]’s workplace. It apparently rained a few days ago but was just recently really sunny again. We walked around the mall there but didn’t buy much other than a shirt from Uniqlo for 59HK$. Afterwards, we went back to the workplace to relax for a bit before heading out to eat and meeting up with my uncle [B]. The food at the restaurant was really delicious! The jet lag hit me ok; I took a nap in the car twice for about half an hour each and I’ll be sleeping soon. Finally, I went to my uncle’s place to unpack and get ready for rest and for a big day tomorrow. Thus ends day one of Hong Kong!


Some food at the restaurant

Some food at the restaurant

布甸 (pudding)

布甸 (pudding)