
January 13 Nothing in particular other than having class in the morning. January 14 Prior to class, my friend and I decided to order food for take-out as it is a lot faster (and cheaper) to get the food. After getting back from class in the afternoon, we had plans for doing laundry but I […]

We woke up early to have breakfast and then head out to our second community, where we saw similar issues with regards to water. Something that was eventually picked up was the prevalence and reliance on poverty tourism. Kids would follow us around and eventually ask us to check out the stores owned by their […]

Early in the morning we had a buffet-style breakfast and caught sight of a double rainbow! I thought that was really cool. We set out first to another water company, called CORAAPLATA (Corporación del Acueductos y Alcantarillados de Puerto Plata). This company drew some water from the river, purified it, and then let the water back […]

After a morning class, we took the bus to ILAC (Institute for Latin American Concern). Over forty years, this place has offered housing to people involved in mission work in the communities in El Cibao, such as house rebuilding and building aqueducts, bridges, and community centers. In addition, there are rooms to treat patients. ILAC […]

Instead of class in the morning as we usually did, we instead had a trip in the morning to CORAASAN (Corporación del Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Santiago, literally “Water and Sewage Corporation of Santiago“), a company that was in charge of the public water system in Santiago. The president of the company claimed that the […]

January 7 Nothing in particular happened today; we had breakfast, class, and then had lunch and dinner on our own. January 8 After breakfast at the hotel and then class at ALPI, I went with some of my classmates to our professor’s place. He opened up his place for us to do laundry for free, […]

This day was a holiday, the 3 Kings Day. After class by the hotel, a few of us went to the city to eat at Wendy’s and then went shopping for detergent so we could do laundry. We then, as a class, attended a baseball game. I am not a huge fan of baseball, but […]

We set out early in the morning to walk around the city before planning on heading out back home late at night.

A few of my classmates and I woke up early to head out for Santo Domingo, the capital of Dominican Republic. The bus ride wound up taking 3 hours for 280 pesos.

I deeply apologize for the delayed posts… After breakfast at the hotel, we had a three-hour lecture at American Language Partnership International (ALPI). Being the first class of the January semester, we tackled the rudiments of public health/medical anthropology and water in the Carribean. Some things discussed include different perspectives of diseases as well as […]

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