
Yesterday we had orientation for a couple hours, learning more about the Dominican Republic culture and things to watch out for, such as diseases. After a break, we headed out to the professor’s rental place to have lunch and then went back to the hotel. With the aid of some local students, we first stopped […]

Arrived at the Dominican Republic yesterday! After getting our luggage and exchanging our American dollars for pesos, we traveled from Santo Domingo to Santiago (a 1.5-hour trip), making a rest stop in between. At the rest stop, I had my first chicken empanada. It tasted quite awesome! Upon arrival to Santiago, we went to the […]

It is the final day in Hong Kong! It was time for last-minute packing and heading off to the airport, meeting up with some friends and eating my final Hong Kong meal. Everything went by quickly, but I really do treasure the experience I had in Hong Kong. Next stop: Dominican Republic! I will be […]

I was able to get a chance to meet up with some friends last minute, including a friend from high school. I spent most of the day showing him around CityU (while taking last-minute photos) and then traveled with him to 上環 (Sheung Wan) to check out a place I was really interested in going […]

This day was spent traveling with my uncle, aunt, and two cousins. We began traveling at around 10. The first stop we went to was Stanley (赤柱). We observed the fine scenery from the beach and then went to the cemetery of people who served in wars such as World War II. Afterwards, we walked […]

Merry Christmas everyone! This morning was spent going to church and saying my farewells after lunch with some friends. Afterwards, I went back home to have a Christmas party/farewell party with relatives from my dad’s side. We played a few games and had a lot of food to eat! It was a really great bonding […]

In the morning, I had 飲茶 with some family friends and afterwards headed home to relax for a bit before going late at night for Christmas caroling with some church friends through an event held by OSH (Our Shepherd) at 尖沙咀. That day was definitely a really fun experience because it was something I don’t […]

I went with my friend to 大澳 (Tai O) after eating out for lunch at 東涌 (Tung Chung). The weather was perfect for traveling; there were a lot of great views and a lot of snacks to eat. Tai O was interesting as there were trees that were found on the shore and there were many […]

Yesterday I went to church and stuck around for a bit to say some farewells before heading back home. Soon after, I ate dinner with relatives.

December 19 This day was a day used for catching up with a few people that I haven’t seen in a long time, having a chance to talk and play on the piano in the halls. December 20 Yesterday was quickly finishing up my paper and then eating out with my relatives on my mom’s […]

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