
Before eating dinner with my friends, I first went back to the Lego exhibit to take some more pictures. I’m really impressed by the effort put into building these works of art. Then I went with my friends to Fesitval Walk, where I got a Korean dish. Afterwards, we went to Lam Shan Estate to […]

November 27 That day was a relaxing day for the most part since there were no classes. Later in the day, I went to Sha Tin (沙田) to discuss with some friends about a group project and ate out at IKEA. The food there was decently pricy but it tasted quite satisfying. Right before leaving, […]

Another long day today… morning was as usual the food chem tutorial and lecture, and afterwards was a break in which I spent time studying for Chinese. Then was my Chinese exam, which was difficult (to me) to the point that I’m really grateful that GPA does not get affected so long as I pass […]

Yesterday I took an exam for social science research methods & statistics and then had a quick lunch before attending my final tutorial class for my environment course. Yep, this week is the final official week of classes. My, time has flown by quickly. Anyway, the tutorial was interesting since it was a debate and […]

Sorry about the late posts. These couple of days have been a bit loaded with studying. November 23 In the morning, I had 飲茶 (yumcha) with my relatives, including my paternal grandfather’s brother and his wife. It was certainly nice seeing the couple. No pictures though… next time! After yumcha, I traveled to CityU finish […]

November 21 Nothing in particular; I had class and then went to my aunt’s workplace to tutor my cousin in chemistry. After tutoring, we went to eat at a Japanese restaurant at Hung Hom (紅磡). It was the same place as the Japanese restaurant I went to the first time I got here. November 22 […]

Since I had a day off, I spent part of the day catching up with some friends and the rest of the day studying. With the semester quickly ending, there is a lot of material to handle, such as exams and assignments. On a side note, it’s quite amusing how I’m really cold at this […]

November 17 I went to church in the morning and then later went back home. Nothing too specific, just studied for my food chem quiz. November 18 I attended class as per usual and then spent some time studying and working on an assignment while waiting to help my friend with a class project related […]

I went with my friend and her family to Prince Edward (太子) to meet up for a tour around a few parts of Hong Kong. There was a tour guide and bus: the experience was really amazing! The first stop was a farm; we had a choice in making either bread, soy milk, or pizza. […]

Yesterday I attended class and then waited around for fellowship to start. Afterwards, we celebrated our friend’s birthday and then went to a food place nearby to eat and celebrate.

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