
Even though there were only two classes, I was really worried about how the dialogue for my Chinese would go but it turned out pretty well! We had a skit where two brothers meet up, one from Beijing, and then they go buy an electronic device and later go out to eat. However, what really […]

Considering it was my day off from classes, I did not really do much for the most part; however, I prepared my dialogue with my classmate for tomorrow’s assignment and later went out to eat Thai food after trying on a custom-sized suit. The food there had some really strong flavors, to say the least. […]

November 11 Two classes that day. As the semester draws to a close soon enough, professors are going through the material rather quickly now. Looks like there will be a lot of studying to handle. November 12 As per usual for a Tuesday here, many classes to take as well as volunteer work. One of […]

After a church-filled morning, I went home to rest for a bit before heading out to meet up with my relatives in 元朗. There, we had a lot of eating and celebrated the birthdays for each member of the individual families, with me being one of them. Something that I have noticed was the amount of […]

Due to miscommunication, I thought that I was going hiking with my friends since we were going to the same place as the last time we went hiking. It turned out that we were going to have fun at the beach! And I was definitely not properly dressed for the occasion… in spite of that, […]

Today, after class, I hung out with another old family friend. He introduced me to the school he’s attending as well as some of the students and faculty. Later in the day, I attended its show choir. I thought it was quite impressive!

I’m combining November 6 and 7 together since during both days, nothing significant really occurred. The sixth, I spent my day off studying, while on the 7th, I spent the day going to class and taking my exam. It was actually quite nerve-wracking… really glad that I recovered from my sickness; it wasn’t severe.

Another event-filled day with classes and volunteer work! I was quite tired to say the least… and I didn’t feel too well as the day progressed… perhaps it is the lack of sleep finally taking its toll.

I had a chance to go to Ocean Park (an amusement park) with two of my friends for much of the day. The travel was quite lengthy and the place itself had quite expensive things: for instance, a decent meal cost me nearly $100… however, we were able to see many animals, including penguins, some […]

I went to church early in the morning, and afterwards, I went home to rest for a bit before going on a late afternoon to night hiking trip close by. It was a really nice experience seeing fireflies, a lot of caterpillars, scorpions, some rare butterflies, as well as a snail and Hong Kong newts. […]

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