
After some time playing some piano once fellowship ended, I headed out to my aunt’s workplace for a party/family gathering. There was quite a bit of food, including sushi. I was quite satisfied.

Nothing particular, just tutorial, getting a bit nervous about the exam next Thursday, and had fellowship. I also had a chance to relax again, a great feeling indeed.

Today I had class and then went to my aunt’s workplace for tutoring. Afterwards, we headed out for dinner with another one of my cousins for more hot pot.

This is my first day off from classes on a weekday in a long time. It wasn’t super exciting unfortunately, because I had to finish my chemistry lab. However, once I got that out of the way, I tried on a suit and then had dinner with relatives.

Today was a really long day as usual, but I felt it to be very different from other Tuesdays. For instance, before class started, I took my time getting there because I was not in any rush. This was something huge considering it’s rare that I would get to relax while in a fast-paced society. […]

Yesterday, I had two classes: social science and an environmental science course tutorial. Nothing in particular happened, though I did feel pushed to speak a lot more especially since my English is (relatively) better compared to the local students. Then, I had a chance to meet up with an international student from Australia whose origin […]

Sunday morning was as usual: church. In the afternoon, after church ended, I watched Life of Pi. It was a really great movie, but I do hope to read the novel soon. A bit afterwards, we ate at Sha Tin’s 大牌檔 – an outdoor restaurant that is super crowded because of the great food and relatively […]

Saturday Mostly a relaxing day, did a bit of studying. Sunday I went to church in the morning, and after a short time of relaxing and studying, I went out for dinner with relatives. Monday Only one class today. Did a bit of studying for the Chinese exam. Tuesday Long day today with class starting […]

Yesterday I had only one class and then had a chance to spend some time tutoring my cousin in chemistry before going back to school for fellowship. Since it’s mainly focused on classes, I will be updating weekly instead of daily from now on to avoid really short posts.

I overslept and nearly was late for class. At least there was an alternative route from which I normally get to school and it was faster, albeit more expensive. After classes ended for the day, I worked on a group project with my classmates and wound up finishing our discussion really late. Even though we […]

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